¡Hombre Mosca contra el matamoscas! (Fly Guy vs. the Flyswatter!)
by Tedd Arnold- Item #162672 in
- Grades: K - 2
- Ages: 5 - 7
- Series: Fly Guy
- Format: Paperback Book
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Short Summary
With charming illustrations and lots of comic mayhem, this reader tells the story of a pet fly who discovers that he's braver than he thought.
With charming illustrations and lots of comic mayhem, this reader tells the story of a pet fly who discovers that he's braver than he thought.
Este libro, con sus encantadoras ilustraciones y sus divertidas aventuras, nos cuenta cómo una mosca descubre que es mucho más valiente de lo que creía.
Product Details
Fly Guy is coming along on Buzz's class field trip—but he doesn't realize it's to the Fantastic Flyswatter Factory until it's almost too late. Fly Guy tries to hide, but when the guide starts insulting flies, he has to stick his head out, and before he knows it, he's battling a robotic flyswatter. Bad newzz!
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Fly Guy is coming along on Buzz's class field trip—but he doesn't realize it's to the Fantastic Flyswatter Factory until it's almost too late. Fly Guy tries to hide, but when the guide starts insulting flies, he has to stick his head out, and before he knows it, he's battling a robotic flyswatter. Bad newzz!
Hombre Mosca va a la excursión de la clase de Buzz, pero no se da cuenta de que van a visitar una fábrica de matamoscas hasta que es demasiado tarde. Hombre Mosca trata de ocultarse, pero cuando el guía de la fábrica comienza a insultar a las moscas, no puede evitar asomar la cabeza, y muy pronto se deberá enfrentar a un robot matamoscas. ¡Hombre Mosca en peligro!
About this Series
Eye-popping illustrations bring incredible (and slightly gross) humor to this imaginative series about a boy and his beloved pet fly. Buzz and Fly Guy have the perfect friendship: They're loyal, curious, and adventurous. Fly Guy can even say Buzz's name! Whether it's a football game, a school lunch, or a road trip, there's no stopping this duo. And isn't that what friendship's all about? With simple text and entertaining stories, these readers keep kids coming back for more.Also Read . . .
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Product Details
- Grades: K - 2
- Ages: 5 - 7
- Product Type: Book
- Page Count: 32 pages
- Dimensions: 6" x 9"
- Language: Spanish
- Subject & Themes: Insects, Spiders & Other Creepy Crawlies, Friendship, Reluctant Reader Appeal
- Genre: Humor & Funny Stories
- ISBN 13: 978-0-545-64613-0